Monday, February 2, 2009

General Impressions

The amount of work that sixteen guys can accomplish in one day is remarkable. But to both get the work done and still be able to smile is the impressive. To get the work done and smile without running water is nothing short of amazing. These fifteen guys I am with have been fun, energetic, gentle, patient, and working very long days. Ok, so it is only Monday... but it has been quite a blessing to see these friends not just working hard, but working hard together. And it is hard not to notice things happening exactly like the church is supposed to work: everyone exercising their own gifts, giving room for the gifts of the rest, and covering for each other with continual good cheer.


  1. What a great pic!! Makes us miss you more though. Love you. Keep up the good work boys!!
    J,L &C

  2. You guys are great - keep up the work and we'll keep praying for you! Love from the Youngs.

  3. Missed you guys on Sunday, lots of empty seats.
    Looks like you are all doing a great job.
    We are praying for you.

    Patricia and Michael


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