Sunday, February 1, 2009

Church on Sunday

Here is the team with our hosts, Anthony and Lisette. We enjoyed a wonderful, heart-felt greeting from the community as we worshipped with the Salvation Army this morning. We had a delightful time of song, sharing, and fellowship. And remind me not to complain when the Bethel service goes beyond 12:15pm!


  1. having trouble getting a message posted. keep composing such eloquent responses only to be rejected.
    will keep trying

  2. Having done that now I have success. Great to get the pics and rundown of the day. Are you having a Super Bowl party??????????????
    Rick and Amy are watching the game.
    Sounds like you are going gangbusters. Keep the updates coming.
    Bless you everyone and enjoy the adventure.
    We are praying and delighted to be a part of the experience vicariously.
    Enjoy the bonus of sun and sea.

  3. Great group pic! I see some guys are being good with their hats! Great to have the blog up! Keep the pictures coming!
    We love you Jon! (And feel great affection for the rest of you :) !!!)

  4. Hi :) love the pictures
    looks like you guys are having a great time
    happy belated birthday jonny
    we're thinking about you and praying for you all
    laura, shannon and vanessa

  5. Hi Dad! I really miss you. How come you're wearing working clothes?! Just teasing! I really really miss you and want you to give me a big, huge hug right here and know. I have to go. Mom's telling me to come for breakfast.

    Meghan :)


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