Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Serving the Community

There are two schools in the vicinity of the Salvation Army Citadel. The affiliated school (just up the hill, with the pressure-supplying cistern) has students only up to grade three. Down the hill, is the community school, serving up to grade six, with an "extention" grade nine class. As you can see, these students all wanted to help with the installation of the tetherball pole.


  1. Is it bad to say that this trip looks like fun! Glad to read and see that things are going well.

  2. These are the most beautiful and heartwarming pictures - keep up the great work in serving these wonderful children!

  3. ahha aw! I didnt even notice Brent at first!

  4. To us, the Bethel team, consisting of the workers in Jamaica and their families back home in MTL and other prayer partners around the world, is like a "garden that's bursting into life"! It's a very beautiful and exciting thing to be both spectator and participant in this great plan and work of the Lord! :) Thank you for generously sharing! :)

    Love to you all. XO

    Awww...I can't get over how much I LOVE these pictures!! :) The kids look too sweet!!


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